Subscription Upgrade: The subscription upgrade service is a service that converts the total duration of the subscription to the higher tier, including the used days.
Instructions and Terms for Subscription Upgrade: Subscribers are allowed to request a subscription upgrade and utilize the full subscription duration before the activation date or within 5 days from the activation date. The subscriber must submit an official and authenticated request sent via the customer care WhatsApp number to prove the requested date. Verbal or phone requests will not be accepted. The upgrade takes place after paying the price difference within 24 hours of the request. If payment is delayed, a new request will be raised to document the new date, and payment will be based on the specified date.
Subscription Freeze: A subscription freeze is a temporary suspension of the subscription, during which the subscriber’s balance remains unaffected. After the freeze period ends, the subscription automatically resumes, and days are calculated from the subscriber’s balance.
Instructions and Terms for Subscription Freeze: Subscription suspension is initiated based on the subscriber’s request via WhatsApp customer service. The suspension request is made according to the subscription package. The subscriber cannot request suspension after the period has expired or the subscription has ended. The freeze period should be specified by the subscriber, with defined start and end dates. Suspension requests are sent on the same day of the intended suspension or for a future date. Retroactive suspension is not accepted, and no compensation is provided. For subscribers affected by COVID-19, as per the approved medical report, the subscription will be suspended for a duration parallel to the days stated in the medical report. These days are calculated separately from other suspension days. Additional days can be added to the suspension balance. Customers can purchase a freeze balance after the package’s balance is exhausted, as per the contract. The subscription freeze service ends with the subscription’s expiration. Unutilized freeze days cannot be claimed by the subscriber.
Subscription Transfer: Subscribers have the right to transfer their remaining days of subscription to another customer.
Instructions and Terms for Subscription Transfer: The recipient of the transferred subscription must not have an active subscription with the company. The transfer is only allowed within the same center, category, and section. Transfers between men’s and women’s sections or other sections are not accepted. The subscriber must submit an official and authenticated request including their name, ID number, the name of the recipient, and their ID number, sent via the customer care WhatsApp number. Transfer procedures must be completed on the same day as the request. No compensation is provided for unused days transferred. Transfer fee: 200 Saudi Riyals.
Special Cases: Compensation days for exceptional circumstances beyond the company’s control, such as power outages, pool closures, or center closures, will be added to the subscription duration. These days are directly added to the ongoing subscription and are not designated for specific use by the subscriber. Compensation is provided for active subscriptions during holiday periods. In case of power outage or AC malfunction, the subscriber must register their name at the reception to be eligible for compensation. Compensation is not provided if the power outage doesn’t exceed 60 minutes or if the fault is facility-related. In case of pool closure, the subscriber must register their name at the reception to be eligible for compensation. Compensation is not provided if the closure doesn’t exceed 60 minutes.